在第一储备完成收购后,Weir流体控制更名为Trillium Flow Technologies
原文摘录自雅虎财经 翻译:Gordon

All product and services will remain unchanged following sale
Trillium Flow Technologies (“Trillium”), formerly Weir Flow Control (“WFC”), today announced the completion of its sale from The Weir Group PLC (“Weir”) to First Reserve, a leading global private equity investment firm exclusively focused on energy. The sale to First Reserve was announced in Feb. 2019.
Trillium Flow Technologies(“Trillium”),前称Weir Flow Control(“WFC”),今天宣布完成从The Weir Group PLC(“Weir”)向First Reserve的出售,First Reserve是一家全球领先的私募股权投资公司,专注于能源。第一储备的收购于2019年2月宣布。
Trillium Flow Technologies will consist of the same 15 established global pump and valve brands servicing the power generation, oil and gas, water and wastewater, mining, and industrial sectors. These include: Sarasin-RSBD™, Blakeborough®, Atwood & Morrill®, Hopkinsons®, SEBIM™, BDK™, Batley Valve®, AutoTork™, and Tricentric® for valves, and Gabbionetta™, WSP™, WEMCO®, Roto-Jet®, Floway®, and Begeman® for pumps. Trillium focuses on every stage of the process including design, installation, and operation utilizing its global footprint and supply chain, aftermarket parts and service, and seeks to provide unmatched responsiveness to demanding schedules.
Trillium Flow Technologies将包括15个成熟的全球泵和阀门品牌,服务于发电,石油和天然气,水和废水,采矿和工业部门。这些品牌包括:Sarasin-RSBD™, Blakeborough®, Atwood & Morrill®, Hopkinsons®, SEBIM™, BDK™, Batley Valve®, AutoTork™, Tricentric® 阀门和Gabbionetta™, WSP™, WEMCO®, Roto-Jet®, Floway®, Begeman® 泵。Trillium专注于流程的每个阶段,包括利用其全球足迹和供应链,售后零件和服务进行设计,安装和运营,并力求为苛刻的时间表提供无与伦比的响应能力。
Weir Flow Control’s prior acting president, David Paradis, will continue to lead Trillium and his prior management team in his new role as president and chief executive officer.
Weir Flow Control的前任总裁David Paradis将继续担任Trillium及其先前的管理团队,担任总裁兼首席执行官。
Final details of the sale were not made available.
About Trillium Flow Technologies
关于Trillium Flow Technologies
Trillium Flow Technologies, formerly Weir Flow Control, is a global designer, manufacturer and aftermarket services provider of engineered valves and pumps used in energy and broader industrial applications. Its portfolio of 15 established brands serves customers in the power generation, oil and gas, water and wastewater, mining, and industrial sectors. More information can be found at www.trilliumflow.com.
Trillium Flow Technologies,前身为Weir Flow Control,是一家全球设计,制造和售后服务供应商,提供用于能源和更广泛工业应用的工程阀门和泵。其15个知名品牌的产品组合为发电,石油和天然气,水和废水,采矿和工业领域的客户提供服务。有关更多信息,请访问www.trilliumflow.com。
About First Reserve
关于First Reserve
First Reserve is a leading global private equity investment firm exclusively focused on energy. With over 35 years of industry insight, investment expertise and operational excellence, the Firm has cultivated an enduring network of global relationships and raised approximately USD $32 billion of aggregate capital since inception. First Reserve has completed over 650 transactions (including platform investments and add-on acquisitions), creating several notable energy companies throughout the Firm’s history. Its portfolio companies have operated on six continents, spanning the energy spectrum from upstream oil and gas to midstream and downstream, including resources, equipment and services, and associated infrastructure. Please visit www.firstreserve.com for further information.
First Reserve是一家专注于能源的全球领先的私募股权投资公司。凭借超过35年的行业洞察力,投资专业知识和卓越运营,公司建立了一个持久的全球关系网络,自成立以来筹集了约320亿美元的总资本。 First Reserve已经完成了650多笔交易(包括平台投资和附加收购),在整个公司历史上创建了几家著名的能源公司。其投资组合公司在六大洲运营,涵盖从上游石油和天然气到中游和下游的能源范围,包括资源,设备和服务以及相关基础设施。请访问www.firstreserve.com获取更多信息。
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