26 3 月, 2025

We Focus on Fluid Control Solutions

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IMICCI Launch of High Endurance Actuator

IMI CCI’s new High Endurance Actuat​or is designed to provide the most trouble-free, reliable service of any actuator on the market today. It is a​n easy upgrade for any IMI CCI DRAG® valve in operation today. An upgrade is usually as simple as removing the legacy piston actuator yoke and installing the new HE actuator assembly.​

The HE actuator is designed with reliability in high-cycle applic​ations and ease of service in mind. Robust guiding of the stem and piston ensures longer seal life and more consistent performance over the life of the actuator.

The HE actuator was designed and is supported by IMI CCI’s team of engineers in California, guaranteeing prompt response and fast turnaround.​

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